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Quake Live Update - Neue Maps und neue Funktionen

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Viele haben Quake Live ja bereits angespielt und ich habe ja auch schon über das Game berichtet (Link), doch wer denkt das Spiel entwickelt sich nicht weiter, der irrt sich. Denn nicht nur Updates des Games an sich gab es in der letzten Zeit, jetzt gibt es noch mehr.

Um genau zu sein gibt es in den nächsten 6 Wochen, 6 neue Maps und die erste ist bereits online und nach einem Update des Spiels verfügbar. Doch das ist nicht alles, ein paar neue Farben im Design der Seite und noch einige Verbesserungen der Funktionen sind zu finden. Was genau getan wurde findet ihr auf der Quake Live Seite (Link) und direkt hier: 6 new maps in 6 weeks! Today we are releasing ‘Hidden Fortress’, the first in a series of new maps for QUAKE LIVE. We will be releasing a new map every week for the next 5 weeks. Each map will be announced with a sneak peek on twitter, make sure to follow us there (Link)! Hidden Fortress is a Clan Arena, Team Deathmatch and Free For All map that fits 6 to 10 players. We think it’s a great starting pick and we hope you’ll enjoy it. That’s not all! The practice interface for playing offline games has been completely reworked. It is much easier to use and more powerful. You will also find the brand new Training Center in that section .. we have put together two practice maps to learn and improve your rocket jumping and movement skills. You will find videos and demo replays to help you understand “how it’s done” and start flying through those Clan Arena maps like the pros. Note that you will need to install a new version of the QUAKE LIVE plugin before getting back in the game. A small price for so much awesomeness. And finally, a detailed list of the other changes: * Redesigned the navigation bar used for Play Online and Play Offline pages. * Fixed an issue where IE wouldn’t default to a proper game type when going to the Match Browser. * Added a “Link to this Match” button that becomes visible when you are in an online game. You can send this link to your friends for joining you in a game you are playing. * Fixed a problem with long names on the match details popups not using the full available space. * Fixed some problems that would prevent certain clan tags from being saved properly on the Edit Profile page. * Changed the date format used on a player’s awards page to match the format we use elsewhere on the site. * void exploit on qzteam6, qzdm12, qzdm11 fixed. * Fixed proxy mines radius exploit. * Fixes for player names getting clipped in the team scoreboard. * Switching to spectator now properly resets the player ready flag. * practice offline w/ bots uses correct CA health/armor settings now. * Clan Tags now listed on Invite Inbox and Invite Outbox. * New ‘raw device’ input mode. Set in_mouse 2 to bypass DirectInput and talk to your mouse device directly. We have seen bad interference from various software, and in general you might get more reliable / better quality mouse input with in_mouse 2. * We fixed a bug in the frags/deaths/games count, so you may find that your tally has changed and is now correct. We didn’t see anyone complain about a lower death count. Quelle: (Link) - Posted by TTimo (Administrator)

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